Check out our fees below! Fees are subject to change at any time.

Fee Schedule
** Any additional bank charges may be added to the following fees.
Share Account Fees
Excessive Withdrawal Fee: (If more than (5) per month)
$5.00 per withdrawal
Share Account Early Closure Fee: (If closed within 120 days of opening)
Returned Item Fee:
$30.00 per item
NSF/Account Negative Fee:
$30.00 per item
Stop Payment Fee: (Auto Draft/ACH/EFT)
$30.00 per item
Christmas Club:
Early Closure Fee: $20.00
Early Withdrawal Fee: $5.00
Vacation Club:
Early Closure Fee: $20.00
Early Withdrawal Fee: $5.00
*Dormant Account Fee: (Accounts under $100 & 1 year of no activity)
*(This does not include Thrifty Youth Accounts)
$20.00 per quarter
ACH Origination Fee (Outgoing) (same day or one time) (One free per month):
$2.00 each
Disbursement of Check to 3rd Party Fee:
$3.00 per check
Share Draft Account Fees
NSF/Account Negative Fee:
$30.00 per item
Returned Item Fee:
$30.00 per item
Stop Payment Fee: (Auto Draft/ACH/EFT)
$30.00 per item
Share Draft Check Order:
Prices vary depending upon style
Copy of Share Draft Image Fee:
$3.00 per copy
ACH Origination Fee (Outgoing) (same day or one time) (One free per month):
$2.00 each
Other Service Fees (applicable to all accounts) **
Stop Payment Fee: (Checks withdrawn on Share Accounts)
$36.00 per item
Deposited Check Return Fee: (Returned from Bank)
$30.00 per item
Account Reconciliation Fee:
$15.00 per hour
Account Research Fee:
$15.00 per hour
Statement Copy Fee: (Statement Reprint)
$15.00 per copy
Wire Transfer Fee: (Outgoing)
$20.00 per wire
Wire Transfer Fee: (Incoming)
$5.00 per wire
Debit Card/ATM Fees:
$1.00 per ATM Withdrawal
Debit Card Replacement Fee:
Pin Change/Reset Fee:
Temporary Card Block/Hot Card Fee: (Requested thru Credit Union)
Fax Fee:
$1.00 per page
Share/Loan Ledger Copy Request:
$1.00 per page
Returned Mail Handling:
$5.00 per item
Levy/Garnishment Request:
Printed Statements:
$15.00 Annually
Loan Fees
Non-Collateral Loan Application Fee:
$35.00 per loan
Collateral Loan Application Fee:
$40.00 per loan
Refinance Collateral Loan Application Fee:
$50.00 per loan
Late Fee:
$30.00 after 10 days
Title Default: (after 3 months)
Skip-a-payment: (twice per year, once every 6 months)
Visa Late Fee:
UCC Filing Fee:
Credit Union Membership
Membership Share:
$25.00 per value
Membership Fee:
$1.00 entrance fee
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